Tyler Turner

Tyler Turner is most recently known for Canada’s first gold and bronze medal in snowboard cross and banked slalom at the 2022 Beijing Paralympics, being a contestant on this season of CTV’s Amazing Race Canada, and for becoming the first and only bilateral leg amputee to fly a wingsuit. But what isn’t as commonly known is that he didn’t accomplish all of this without first getting in a traumatic skydiving accident in 2017 which resulted in bilateral leg amputation as well as major back, pelvis, and brain injuries.

While some may never wish to skydive again, Tyler turned tragedy into triumph to not only push his own limits, but to show what’s possible with incredible drive and determination. Providing audiences with the tools to Acknowledge, Accept, Adapt, and Overcome, Tyler shares how using his mindset can help your audience make a difference in their field

Tyler shares his story of the power of community, passion, and mindset along his journey of reconnecting with his new identity, and rediscovering joy through the love of pushing his limits and his passion for sport. 

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