Chris Schembra


Chris Schembra, a celebrated keynote speaker, best-selling author, and expert in human connection, has gained widespread acclaim for his compelling insights on gratitude’s role in fostering meaningful relationships and outsized business outcomes. Regularly delivering addresses at top-tier companies and institutions like Microsoft, Google, IBM, Dell, Citi the US Navy, Air Force, and Harvard, his teachings pivot around gratitude as a powerful tool for personal and professional growth.

Schembra draws extensively from his personal experiences of triumph over adversity, making his motivational narratives relatable and uplifting. His keynotes reflect the essence of his Wall Street Journal best-selling book, “Gratitude Through Hard Times”, which has served as a beacon of hope and resilience for many, navigating them through their toughest challenges.

Recognizing the critical role of human connection and empathy in fostering productive workspaces, Chris’s insights are instrumental in shaping healthier, happier, and more collaborative work environments. He advocates for a culture steeped in genuine gratitude, enabling a shift towards a more empathetic, connection-focused mindset.

His work is instrumental in helping organizations address the feelings of disconnect, enhancing team cohesion, resilience, and overall performance. His speeches serve as a roadmap for audiences navigating their way from setbacks to comebacks, always emphasizing the vital role of human connection. By championing empathy and genuine connection, Chris Schembra is leading the way to a more connected, understanding, and compassionate corporate landscape.

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