Anna Allerton

Anna Allerton is a former sports journalist, TV Producer, women’s sport expert and NED. She runs her own company and is a leading business consultant and Executive Coach. With multi-sector experience, Anna specialises in workplace transformation, culture change and retention of female talent in the workplace, specialising in menopause.

Through her work, Anna is helping women thrive in their careers during midlife. She is driving institutional workplace change by helping to break down stigmas and stereotypes. Anna supports her clients to build a culture of support and empowerment for women whilst also teaching them how to attract, retain and get the most out of female talent within their industry.

As a certified executive coach and mentor, Anna brings her unique background in journalism, sport and the corporate world to her 1:1 clients.  She enjoyed a 17-year career at Sky where she was an industry leader in women’s sports journalism, was listed in Management Today’s 35 Under 35 and has served as Non-Executive Director in Sports governance. Anna founded and produced the Sportswomen programme, led the Special Journalism Unit at Sky Sports News and was at the forefront of the changing landscape for women’s sports on screen and in the newsroom during her broadcasting career.

With a particular interest in sport and performance, Anna developed her own coaching model Work Smarter in Menopause® inspired by the journey of professional female athletes and using creative ways to empower women to power business.

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