Ali Hendry

20+ years’ experience as an award-winning inclusion and communication skills trainer and consultant with organisations in the public, private, voluntary, education, and military sectors. Developed courses for CIPD training, BTEC Certificates, BA Honours Degrees, Masters Degrees, MOD CLMs and ALDPs. Freelance for Bloody Good Employers, running national menopause awareness training that I developed in 2023. Volunteer as a “human book” for The Human Library where members of the public from across the world ask me questions about non-monogamy. TEDx Speaker – “Survivor’s Guide to Jealousy”.

Certified ICF Coach (PCC) specialising in DEI and leadership coaching, holistic life coaching, and relationship coaching. Working with individuals, dyads and groups. Education Director (UK) at Radiant Coaches Academy (RCA), Lead Tutor on the ICF Relationship Specialty Training and on the ICF DEIJB Specialty Training. Coach supervisor for RCA and ICF UK. Coach Mentor for RCA. ICF PCC Marker Assessor Trainer. Host of RCA’s two podcasts “Radiant Coaches Academy: Live Sessions” and “Coach Me!”.

Maintaining a work/life balance is paramount for myself, my family, my community, and my work. I prioritise my mental health and wellbeing by weaving it into my business model. I love my weekly spin classes, reformer Pilates, and nature walks. I successfully co-parent my daughter, and we enjoy hanging out with our tortoiseshell rescue cat. I read a book a week, usually a self-help relationship book, an educational book on EDIJB, or a memoir written by a marginalised author. Other parts of my identity include being a lesbian, non-monogamous, and nine years sober. I work hard on examining my own filters as a cisgender, white, non-disabled, menopausal woman in her 50s, and strive to present accessible and inclusive content with all my work projects.

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