Craig began his leadership journey as an Eagle Scout at age 14.  Thirty years later, he was the youngest General in the U.S. Army. 

Together with another nine years as a member of the Senior Executive Service (SES) with the U.S. Marine Corps, he led thousands of Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Civilians. A member of Purdue University’s ROTC Hall of Fame, Craig is a four-time award-winning, #1 international best-selling author, and a motivational speaker on leadership and performance excellence. 

Talk Descriptions
Inspired Leadership in Challenging Times: Largely drawn from his four-time award-winning, #1 international best-selling book, Leadership: The Art of Inspiring People to Be Their Best, Craig passes on decades of leadership and life lessons — both good and bad – told in a compelling, inspirational, and sometimes very personal way. 
9/11: A Personal Reflection: Present at the Pentagon on 9/11, Craig spent the next two days helping first responders at the crash site.  Upon his return to Hawaii, he led the initiative to secure the state, an effort that resulted in national recognition.  Hear his insights into the challenges of responding to a disaster of this scale, learn more about the intended targets in Washington D.C., and the breakdown in intelligence that led to the attack. 
Implications of a Rising China: With more than a dozen years in the Pacific as a senior military leader, Craig had a front-row seat to China’s behavior. This presentation explores what is happening: geopolitically, militarily, and economically as China expands its sphere of influence. Learn about the strategic importance of the Malacca Straight, the South China Sea, the exploding growth of China’s military, and their encroachment on the “second island chain” – where the U.S. day begins – in Guam.

Russia vs Ukraine and Its Implications for NATO: The end of World War II saw an uneasy standoff between Russia and Western Europe, led by the United States.  Commonly referred to as the “Cold War,” this tumultuous period lasted over 40 years.  The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 changed everything.  Russia flirted with an uneasy democratization, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) – Europe’s defense arm – grew from 12 to 31 countries.  Learn how Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was an outgrowth of this evolution and what it might mean for the future. 
West Point Trivia: Many famous (and a few infamous) cadets attended the United States Military Academy at West Point. Listen to Craig reflect on some of the “lesser-known facts” about those military luminaries, stretching back to before the Civil War. Interesting, educational, and fun – even if you’re not a military buff – you’ll not regret hearing this presentation, guaranteed! 
The Arsenal of Democracy: Tom Brokaw called the heroes who fought World War II, the “Greatest Generation” but their success would not have been possible without the historical mobilization of American industry. From a war-weary, isolationist country coming out of the Depression, hear how the build-up began – 18 months before Pearl Harbor, then sustained for the duration of the war – not just for American forces, but for all the Allies.  Hear how the “Arsenal of Democracy” contributed to winning WW II.
Evolution of the U.S. Military from Vietnam to Today: Craig was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Army in 1973, two years prior to the official end of the Vietnam War.  His near-continuous association with the military from then until 2019 touched every service: Army, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Navy.  Hear his thoughts and reflections on that roller-coaster journey and how the Services differ culturally.
A Troubled World and How to Respond:  China threatens Taiwan; Russia invades Ukraine; Hamas terrorizes Israel; Iran stokes proxies; North Korea waits for their opportunity; and terrorists – both foreign and domestic – threaten everywhere.  What are we to do?  This presentation touches on the “compounding effect” of each of these threats and sets the stage for a discussion on how we might avoid World War III – particularly when America is more divided than at any time in our lives.      

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