Pasha Marlowe

Pasha Marlowe, MFT (she/they), is the CEO of Neurobelonging and has 30 years of experience as a marriage and family therapist and coach. Through her work as a speaker, consultant, and coach, specializing in neurodiversity, she teaches organizations how to successfully create cultures of inclusion and belonging through the lens of neurodiversity, disability, and LGBTQIA+ allyship.

Pasha is a trailblazer in the field of neurodiversity as she challenges leaders and organizations to create non-performative cultures of neuroinclusion, inclusive neurodiversity hiring programs, and DEIB initiatives that include neurodiversity and disability inclusion strategies. She values accurate and inclusive language and clearly defines important terms and concepts such as neurodivergent, neurotypical, neuronormativity, neuroqueering, and the neurodiversity paradigm.

She is thrilled to introduce neurobelonging, a term she created to help neurodivergent people find a sense of inner belonging, agency, and empowerment, in a world that is not yet designed for them.

Pasha offers live and virtual keynotes, workshops, and group coaching for large and small organizations, ERGs, and schools as well as continues her private practice seeing individual and couples clients.Keynotes and trainings they offer include:Neurodiversity 101, Creating Cultures of Neuroinclusion, Supporting Neurodivergent, Disabled, and LGBTQ+ Talent, How to Lead Neurodiverse Teams, and The Burnout Recovery Cycle

Beyond decades of professional experience, they offer a unique perspective given a lifetime of lived experience as a queer, disabled, multiply-neurodivergent person. They enjoy finding innovative ways to teach and inspire, as seen in their work as an author, podcast host, content creator, and comedian. Pasha is a mother of 3 phenomenal neurodivergent adults and lives in Portland, Maine, USA amongst the lobsters and lighthouses.

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