Emily Jaenson

Emily has been called a next level motivator and an inspirational leader. She lives up to her motto, “Be so good they won’t forget you!” Her wildly successful TEDx talk, Six Tips for Building Your Confidence, garnered 3 million views in one year and was #12 on the list of most watched TEDx talks of the 16,000 uploaded to the TEDx YouTube channel in 2022.

She is frequently called upon to speak and consult on how to create more confident, goal driven employees, by Fortune 500 Companies, sports organizations, and national conferences. She teaches strategies that create more confident employees who experience less fear and anxiety, have increased motivation, have greater resilience, improved relationships with colleagues, and bring their authentic selves to work.

Emily emerged onto the scene as a leader in the sports industry when she was named General Manager of a Triple-A baseball team in Minor League Baseball, the first female to hold this role in nearly 20 years. She was later named to the DE&I committee partnering Major and Minor League Baseball in inclusion efforts.

She leads a podcast, Leadership is Female, where she interviews female executives so that she and her guests can guide the next generation of female leadership forward. Leadership is Female is among the top 10% of podcasts consumed globally and in the top 200 of business podcasts worldwide. Her book, Let’s Go! A Guide to Increasing Your Confidence hits bookstores in Spring 2024.

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