Adriana Brownlee

I am Adriana Brownlee and I am a 22 year old mountaineer and director of expedition company AGA Adventures. Sat in my primary school classroom, at 8 years old, I was intrigued by Everest and upon placing pen to paper decided that my life goal would be to summit the worlds highest mountain and inspire others by doing so.

My journey from that moment onwards was one of sacrifice, resilience, and pure dedication, so that 12 years later I could stand on the top of Mt Everest and make every second of blood, sweat and tears worth it. I began climbing when I was 9 by completing the Three Peaks challenge with my father in 21 hours and continued to pursue bigger and harder mountains like Kilimanjaro, Aconcagua and Mt Elbrus, all during my school years, GCSE’s and A levels.

There are 14 mountains in the world higher than 8000m, currently I have summited 13 of them making me the youngest woman ever and the first British woman. I have also claimed the record for the youngest woman ever to summit Mt K2, one of the world’s most dangerous mountains. Over the past 3 years this project has been my focus and to complete the 14 by next spring would be the ultimate goal. I don’t climb for the records or for the fame but purely for the enjoyment and pride it gives me.Alongside my climbing partner, Gelje Sherpa, I have accomplished these feats and live to tell the tales of lessons learnt from mindset to decision making under pressure and what it takes to reach a goal.

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