Penny Mallory

Penny Mallory is an accomplished individual who has excelled in various fields throughout her life. Born and raised in a small village in Kent, England, Penny’s journey to success was far from conventional. As a child, she was average at everything and didn’t stand out in any particular area. However, Penny’s determination and perseverance led her to become an extraordinary figure in the world of motorsports. She made history as the first and only woman to drive a World Rally Car, showcasing her exceptional driving skills and breaking barriers in a male-dominated industry.

Aside from her remarkable racing career, Penny Mollary is also recognized as a reowned keynote speaker and performance coach. With her expertise in psychological performance, she works closely with world-class teams to enhance their performance and achieve outstanding results.
Penny’s inspiring story resonates with many, as she transformed her life from being a homeless runaway to becoming a rally champion and a leading authority on mental toughness. Her experience have shaped her into an individual who understands the importance of pushing boundaries, overcoming challenges, and developing resilience

Mental Toughness is a personality trait, that can everyone can develop. With Mental Toughness you have increased resilience, confidence, focus, determination and commitment. This enables you to manage stress and pressure, take challenges in your stride, and quickly bounce back from setbacks. Are your people facing extreme stress and pressure, insane targets and ambitious deadlines?
Motorsport and TV fans know Penny as the first and only woman to drive a World Rally Car. She knows how to compete and beat the odds, but she also knows top performance requires much more than sacrifice and maximum commitment. It also takes heart, insight and the courage to keep going and the refusal to quit. She gets it, because she’s lived it.

In today’s ever more competitive environment where only the best will do, Penny Mallory has perfected the art of Psychologically Powered Performance to bring out the very best in us.  No secret sauce or overused buzzwords, for championship teams (including F1) to top organisations, from individuals and workshops to International audiences, her engagingly authentic but wildly entertaining vision of optimised performance and positive change sets her apart. 

Penny’s expert understanding of how our thinking affects our behaviour is brought together in her Keynote ‘The one thing that will change everything : Mental Toughness’ Penny makes it real, accessible, and inspires life-changing and sustainable results. These aren’t hollow marketing words, her life attests to their human truth.

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