Anthony Taylor

As a highly motivated and adaptable individual I possess an excellent ability to motivate others along with the ability to communicate at all levels, subsequently creating an effective working environment for all members of the team to maximise potential, fulfil ambitions and aspirations.

A wide-ranging skill set developed during my refereeing career spanning twenty-five years and through my previous professional life in the Prison Service, my experience of developing and maintaining successful working relationships is a solid foundation for success.

Personal Profile

  • Energetic – Any task I undertake I do so with energy to complete it to the best of my ability but also as a catalyst to motivate others.
  • Committed – I ensure I dedicate many hours to self-development in order to maximise my potential and to make the most of opportunities that are available to me.
  • Leadership – Through my many roles within refereeing and the Prison Service there are numerous examples of myself developing a cohesive team ethic and empowering others to gain effective results.
  • Resilient – Unflappable under pressure and tough minded when required to learn from mistakes, my strong mental approach aids my quest for excellence.
  • Decisive – I am no stranger to making important yet unpopular decisions.
  • Inspiring – I bring guaranteed drive and enthusiasm to any task I undertake. It is important to me that others as well as myself believe that they can achieve success in anything that they do.
  • Strategic – Over the years I have experience of developing and implementing strategic plans to enable development and progression of individuals and groups.
  • Adaptable – Always willing to change should the environment or situation require it. Sometimes as a team, work is directed towards one goal however each individual may have a different path to this goal. This is important to remember.
  • Flexible – To spark development in an individual I believe there is a constant need to assess and re-assess to ensure their hopes and aspirations can be nurtured and achieved.

I have been employed by PGMOL as a professional elite football referee since 2010. My career in football has spanned twenty-five years, commencing at grassroots in 1995 and continuing presently at the elite level of the game. I have devoted a significant amount of time to developing my physical and cognitive skills as a referee and man manager to ensure I operate to high standards at the elite level. I am extremely proud of my position as a professional referee on both the Premier League and FIFA International lists, including my position within the UEFA elite group of referees where I have refereed over 100 international matches. I am proud to have refereed 331 Premier League matches and a total of over 600 matches in the professional game (up to 1st March 2023). I have been fortunate to have officiated many high-profile matches over recent years, some of which are detailed below, which I believe display not only a wide-ranging skill set but significant mental toughness and resilience.

  • Since 2014 I have been the North West regional leader for the Football Association’s talent identification CORE programme. The scheme works with some of the most promising referees in the area and supports their development and aspirations along with having responsibility for a coaching team of ten.
  • In previous years, my family and I spent five years acting as foster carers for the local authority. This experience not only provided us with great satisfaction and humility but also developed further skills in dealing with a variety of unique situations.
  • Delivering presentations to larger audiences at conferences and training events offers me the opportunity to be a catalyst to motivate others to achieve.
  • I am proud to deliver Premier League initiatives and presentations which educate and inspire both primary and high school children regarding behaviour, respect and motivation.
  • I have also been previously employed as a Prison Officer (2003-2013) which has given me experience of dealing with a variety of situations such as conflict management, mental health and having empathy for a variety of situations.
  • My work as patron for the “Prison? Me? No way!” charity gives me great satisfaction in that the work carried out contributes to making a positive impact to young people’s lives and the choices they make as a proactive approach to reducing youth offending across the country.
  • During the 2020 Coronovirus pandemic I was an NHS volunteer responder.

My willingness to learn and develop my skills set as an elite referee underpins all my preparation. I firmly believe that if I do not continue to learn and develop then I will “stand still” and not maximise my potential. 

During my time as a prison officer I gained extensive experience of conflict resolution and negotiating. Other additional responsibilities included staff instruction on restraining techniques and the supervising of problematic incidents which always required a high level of team work.

In my role as patron for “Prison? Me? No Way!” I strive to influence others by being a role model for young people but also by educating others to consider the choices they make in life and for them to strive to be the very best that they can be.

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